The Rise Of Divine Feminine Energy
Shekhinah Flowing
Kabbalah means to receive the secret, esoteric mystical meaning of Judaism.
To quote the leading authority on the Kabbalah, Daniel Matt, “The Zohar reads the opening verse of the Torah not as “In the beginning God created” … but rather: “With beginning, [the Unnamable One] created God.” This sounds shocking or heretical. But the point is that our usual understanding of God is pretty childish. What we think of as God is only one limited aspect of the infinite divine reality, which transcends and explodes all names.
Ultimately, God is Ein Sof, the Infinite. Most religious texts portray God almost exclusively in masculine terms. Kabbalah fills out the picture by showing that God is equally male and female: God as Father or King is balanced by the figure of Shekhinah, the feminine Divine Presence. There is a dynamic relationship between the He and She of God, and it’s up to us to unite the divine couple.”
Before the "One" can redeem humanity from evil behavior. The Shekhinah, the divine feminine aspect within each and everyone of us has to rise, and lead the way. -Amen

Kundalini Rising
Tantra is the esoteric wisdom of Hinduism, meaning to expand the mind, and unite the Yin and Yang within us. Yoga means to join together. In Tantra yoga we join together, the Conscious and the Unconscious, the Soul and the Ego, the Masculine and Feminine characteristics within the self.
I am not going into the whole chakra system here, but we are identified with either the masculine characteristics of a particular chakra or the feminine characteristics. Whichever polarity we are identified with, the other, lives in our unconscious out of sight from us. The goal is to transcend the polarities and live in the center, to achieve communion between the two great forces within you.
When the energy is balanced within the center, the sacred coiled energy (kundalini) is awakened and flows. Once we live in the center of all the chakras, the kundalini energy flows through our body, to be one with our ego and soul, and the transcendent force of the universe.